Hey jammers,since almost no1 singed up for the olypimcis..The deadline is expanded!U must sign up by January 1st or U cant be in the olyimpics...Anyway my halloweenparty on Aj went great and they are guna have ocean pets!Seahorses and..I think glowfish,anglerfish..i couldnt tell wat they were ;p.And I need your jammers help..See not mny jammers go to my blog..I need more ppl to come...I want toi keep ym blog alive..if not amny ppl come There wont be anymore AnimalJamsurprises..Now for a cute pic!8D
aw...Some1 needs a hug...Arent they the most cutest thign ever?!:3
Well im nto posting much cuz of school,gymnastics class and many more things..Well gotta bounce for now,Happy jamming!
~Missy SunnyFlower